Internal Monologue


It is believed that around 50% of people have an internal monologue.  Their thoughts are complete sentences, which are an ongoing conversation with themselves in their head. The other 50% of people have abstract thoughts that are a stream of consciousness and become organized when verbally articulated.

Usually these two groups do not even realize that the other types of people exist. It can be a shock to people with internal monologue to learn other people don’t hear a voice in their head. 

I fall into the internal monologue group. I have a running conversation with myself going all day. 

Do you have an internal monologue?

If so, is it your own voice you hear, or an ambiguous voice you hear? A celebrity voice??

When verbally responding to your internal monologue out loud, do you say “we” or “I”? As in, “we really messed up this time!”

Let me know what’s going on in your mind. Or is it a quiet place in your attic?


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