Catt Fishing 2: Electric Boogaloo

Between working 60 hours, 7 days a week, and enjoying the creek, I haven’t posted here in awhile. 

Last weekend I made a day of fishing. I was at the Cattaraugus Creek by 6 am. I’m still trying to catch my first fish of the season. Although I’ve been skunked so far, it’s been a blast. 

Here are some pictures from my morning spot, at a beaver dam by the bridge. There are several feeding spots I rotated between from 6-9am 

 After a few hours, I decided to head back home and make some lunch. 

On the menu is stout carne picada, which is chunks of steak cooked in a pepper and tomato sauce. Here’s my custom recipe 

1.5 # carne picada steak 

1/4 can diced tomatoes 

4 Oz jalapeños 

8oz Genesee imperial stout

Season the steak then brown it, keep chopping the meat as you stir it around. This helps break it up into smaller pieces 

Put the chopped steak in a stainless steel pan, add the peppers, tomatoes, and slowly pour stout over top. Bring to a slow boil, cover with tinfoil, and cook on a medium heat for 30 minutes, rotating the pan every 10 minutes. 

After 30 minutes, remove the foil, stir, and let simmer for another 20 minutes, stirring and chopping the meat often. 

Once the steak has absorbed most of the liquid, it is done. 
You can serve over rice, make tacos, or do what I did, and have nachos. 
I used the leftover tomato and jalapeños to make a mango salsa 

Salsa recipe 
1 onion chopped
1/2 can diced tomatoes 
1/2 can jalapeños 
Dollop minced garlic
1/2 can sliced mango
Few dashes dried cilantro 
1/4 Oz olive oil 

Finely chopped the mango, mix everything together, refrigerate for at least one hour 

I served the carne picada with tortilla scoops, honey goat cheese, sea salt peanuts, craisins, and mango salsa

After a hearty lunch, I headed back to Catt Creek. 
I went a few miles down stream to try my luck at a nice fishing hole 
Here’s some pictures from the afternoon session 

Well, I finally did it. My first catch of the season 

A medium sized stick fish. Ain’t she a beauty? I’m gunna wall mount this trophy. 


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