Roller coaster ride


Some days are steady as she goes, others are full of wild swings. Today is a roller coaster for me  

Went in to work at 5 AM today. I was offered 8 hours of overtime. It’s my option to only work 5 hours. But, if I’ve made the drive in, I almost always work 8 hours.  Just after 9, my boss strolls over  I notice he has fancy golf clothes on.  He says “eeeh…uuhhhh…eerrrmmm…how long are you working today?”

I know he wasn’t asking me. He was telling me.  He had a Tee time set. So, I say 5 hours, he smiles and walks away.  I’m not pissed, but his golf game just cost me a couple hundred bucks.  I clean up and leave.  On my way home I decide to swing into my local beer store because I had my growler in the truck and I saw they had my favorite  local summer ale that was just released. I ask for a growler fill and the attendant tells me that with any growler purchase, you get a free growler of Genesee Oktoberfest. Genesee beer is MY brand. This is like a gift from the beer Gods!

Do I need two jugs of beer? Hell no! But I’m not turning down free beer! I strut out of the beer store with my growlers and buckle them into the passenger seat for the ride home.  I attempt to turn right out of the parking lot, but things go from magic to tragic. I see a half dozen cop cars with their lights on blocking the road in front of a school, and kids hurrying out of the school and onto the athletic field. Weird for a Saturday, but school must be busy on weekends. Not sure what was going on, I checked local news when I got home and saw nothing. 

I decided to hop on the freeway instead of taking the backroads. When I went to merge on the freeway, there was road construction and the right lane was closed. I didn’t notice because I was looking over my shoulder for the traffic I was merging into. When I looked forward I was driving right into a row of orange traffic cones. I did some highway bowling. Knocked down about 4-5 cones. Luckily none got stuck under my truck or broke a headlight.

Me and my jugs made it home safely 

Time to enjoy some cold beverages on the back patio 

How is your day going?


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